• Back In Time: vk.cc/5xditr 18.08.2016 It's time for a new release by one of Ukraine's best trance talents to showcase his latest outing. His name is Trizet and he released tracks on both of our main and sub labels. Today he brings us Back In Time, a track which holds that timeless trance vibe. Amazing drive, beautiful melodies to spice everything up and most importantly infectious leads which put this track on another level. Things don't end there as the journey continues down the rabbit hole with gliding synths bringing pure ecstasy to our ears. Remix duty of Back In Time was handled by the upcoming French producer Jean Clemence whose take starts in a progressive manner, but also introduces those familiar leads in the intro. Slightly altered and really organic piano welcomes us to its breakdown, but it doesn't take long before the leads re-appear bringing us back to the ground and pushing forward with the driving dropdown. • Cloud Nine: vk.cc/5xdim2 22.08.2016 For our next release we are heading to the land of Vikings, Norway. From there hails our new signee on the label which goes by the artist alias TLT, bringing us his Pulsar debut release Cloud Nine. It can be described as a really banging, progressive driven track which starts with tight production that gets us in the right mood for that soft and mellow breakdown. But don't get caught up in the moment so fast because the cloud on which you are happily floating away in your little boat will soon hit the tide as the dropdown shocks the airwaves. On remix duty of Cloud Nine we have Adam Sybil from Poland, presenting us with his own vision of this great track. He took all the best elements from the original and made one amazing uplifting take! The track starts with thumping beats and slightly revealing main lead, but the True door of pleasure opens up when the mysterious lady takes you by the hand and shows you the beauty of the Cloud Nine. You will be greeted with the dreamy piano melody, enriched with all sort of background instruments, from beautiful pads to emotional violins, all playing in unison to provide that heavenly trance experience. • Betsy's Heart, Pt. 1: vk.cc/5xdi6C 25.08.2016 The world we live in can be so cruel at times, but thankfully, there are compassionate people out there who will do anything to help others. One event that made headlines over the internet earlier this year was a rescue of a dog named Betsy, a pit bull that was thrown in a dog fight, but refused to fight. The consequences were almost fatal. Poor Betsy had her face, front legs and neck totally ripped, her skin was left in tatters. Her photos were hard to look at, her video nearly impossible to watch. The constant fear and pain she endured must have been agonizing. But she is not living in the past - she has moved on to a new life with thousands of supporters online and in real life, miraculously she is now recovering. This story has managed to touch not only us, but most importantly one of our producers, Delta IV, who was Betsy's supporter from the very beginning. What better way was there for him to express his emotions then to dedicate a composition to this wonderful being which has managed to survive such an ordeal. The result is a magnificent composition called Betsy's Heart, an uplifting, optimistic tune just like the Betsy herself. The beautiful piano melody may bring tears to your eyes and those leads will prolong the mixed feeling of sadness and euphoria.

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